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Thank you for visiting our Client Care Center, created exclusively for our valued clients. The purpose of this area is to provide you tools that you can use to keep your estate plan up-to-date and review new activities happening at the law firm.

Estate plans are a lot like owning a car. They work well if you keep them serviced over the years. But your older model car may need a tune up once in a while. Likewise, tax and estate planning laws are continually updated which changes the way people plan and update their plans. With change, comes opportunity. These changes often provide new planning techniques and more protection than ever before. Since our law firm focuses primarily on estate planning, we keep up on the latest planning options available to deal with and protect against the real-life issues you and your family are facing in today’s hectic world.

That is why it is important to review your estate plan with us periodically to make sure it takes into account any changes you may have had since first creating your estate plan.

Some of these changes may be due to a death in the family, a divorce in the family, births, adoptions, second marriages or a new inheritance. These changes can have a dramatic affect on your estate plan if not planned for carefully.

If you are ever in doubt of how any of these changes can affect your current estate plan, please contact our office. We will gladly review your plan to see what if anything needs to be done.

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